Abstract: the problems are discussed that the elements of the replacement cost are not the same by valuing the different kinds of assets and which of them compose the replacement cost. 文摘:重置成本法是资产评估中的一种基本方法,但在运用时对重置成本的要素构成却并不明晰。
When the replacement cost of goods held by a firm declines, there is a loss in the utility of the inventory. 当一个企业持有的商品的重置成本下降时,在存货的使用上就会出现损失。
Replacement cost and income capitalization will be used for special purpose buildings and uncommon properties in the market. 重置成本和收益资本化被用于特殊建筑和房地产。
The credit squeeze can continue and can get worse: vulnerability abounds and contagion could yet spread further. Equity markets are valued well above their long-run averages relative to cyclically adjusted earnings and the replacement cost of their assets. 信贷危机可能继续,甚至可能恶化:薄弱环节很多,传染范围可能进一步扩大。相对于经过周期性因素调整的收益和资产重置成本,股市估值远高于其长期平均水平。
The article introduces three assets evaluation methods on Eucalyptus forest: replacement cost method, present earning value method and market-based forest value method. 归纳总结了适用于桉树林木资产评估的三种方法:重置成本法、收获现值法、市场价倒算法。
When I asked him to pay for the600 dollar replacement cost, he said he wasn't responsible for his drunken actions. 作为赔偿,我向他要求600刀,他却说他对他醉酒后的行为不负责。
Attach a copy of the original invoice or other certified proof in writing, sufficient to identify the package contents and substantiate the lesser of the actual cost, replacement cost or repair cost of the merchandise. 附上原始发票的复印件或其它足以标识包裹内容和证实实际成本、物品的替换成本或修理成本中金额较少的那个的书面证明。
If the replacement cost of an item in the inventory is lower than its cost, the use of the lower of cost or market rule provides two advantages 如果某项存货的重置成本低于其成本,使用成本与市价孰低原则有两个优点
Cost of human resources can be measured by methods of historical cost, replacement cost, opportunity cost, and so on. 人力资源成本可通过历史成本法、重置成本法、机会成本法等计量方法进行计量。
Atic has offered a price about in the middle of its target's shares 'trading range over the past decade. It will gain fabrication facilities at roughly replacement cost, with a big customer book and a sales force in effect chucked in for free. Atic的出价位于特许半导体过去10年股价交易区间的中段,将以大致相当于置换成本获得生产设备,外加庞大的客户网络以及近于免费的销售团队。
The preferred method is to apportion the risk to each pier and span component on the basis of its percentage value to the replacement cost of the structure in the central analysis area. 一种更好的方法是,根据在上述中央分析区域内的桥墩及构件更换费用所占的百分比,对每个桥墩及桥孔构件分摊风险。
Even though warranty might free car owners from the replacement cost, it seldom offers free labour costs. 虽然可能免费保修车主的重置成本,但是却很少提供免费的劳动力成本。
Q is the ratio of the value of an individual stock ( or of the stock market as a whole) to net assets, at replacement cost. q值是某只股票(或整个股市)的价值与净资产重置成本的比率。
The main goal of recovery of sodium hydroxide was the economies due to the high replacement cost of this chemical. 回收氢氧化纳的主要目的是在经济方面,因为它大大补偿了化学药剂消耗费用。
Higher share prices would also lead to increased household wealth and spending, and the rising market value of existing corporate assets ( proxied by stock prices) relative to their replacement cost would spur new capital investment. 股价上涨还会使家庭财富及支出增加,而现有公司资产市值相对于重置成本不断增加(以股价体现),将刺激新的资本投资。
If the inventory can probably be sold at prices which will yield a normal profit, the inventory should be carried at cost even though current replacement cost is lower. 尽管现时重置成本下降了,但如果存货能够以带来正常利润的价格出售,那么存货应该按成本计价。
Establishing the Transportation Replacement Cost Accounting 关于建立交通运输重置成本会计的构想
Wear points of the die sections must be inserted for economical maintenance, replacement cost, and adjustability for stock variance. 所有模具入子耐磨的地方必须使用镶嵌以方便经济的□□□,置换以及根据料厚的变化调整能力。
You can still buy under the replacement cost. 你仍然能以低于重置成本的价钱买进。
Depreciated current replacement cost 折旧后现行重置成本
Include the replacement cost in any insurance claim. 包括任何保险索赔的重置成本。
Replacement cost of land is a depreciated price of land use rights, so depreciation in formula is the depreciation only for building. 土地的重置价格是已经对土地使用权价格折旧后的价格,因此,成本法估价公式中的折旧只对建筑物折旧。
The sum of Replacement Cost of ledger assets cannot dispel the concerns of investors. 企业账面资产重置成本加和的评估值并不能解除他们对这些企业是否物有所值的疑虑。
Ascertain of every depreciation by replacement cost; 重置成本法中各种贬值的确定;
The value of the fixed assets is figured out by dint of the replacement cost method. 最后利用重置成本法确定了固定资产的价值。
In this paper, some methods are introduced to value the forest products, such as hedonic method, travel cost, replacement cost and contingent valuation. 本文介绍了国际上对森林产出的几种评估方法,如:享乐法、旅游成本法、替代成本法和意愿型价值评估法。
Attention should be paid on selection of renewed replacement cost and quantification of functional devaluation. 要注意更新重置成本的选择与功能性贬值的量化;
The third new point: The replacement cost of invisible assets evaluation has been improved. 创新点之三:改进了对科研设计单位无形资产评估的重置成本法。